Call for Abstract

20th Asia Pacific Pathology Congress, will be organized around the theme “Enlightening the Current Pathological Developments”

PATHOLOGY CONGRESS 2022 is comprised of 18 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in PATHOLOGY CONGRESS 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

 Pathology (word derived from the Ancient Greek roots of pathos meaning suffering" and –logy "study of") is a significant field in modern medical diagnosis and medical research, concerned mainly with the causal study of disease, whether caused by pathogens or non-infectious physiological disorder.  It is a broad and detailed discipline of science that aims to comprehend how tissues and cells are damaged, how the body reacts to the damage, and how it heals itself. Cellular responses to damage, necrosis, inflammation, wound healing, and neoplasia are among the topics of investigation.  

Pathology terminology: A patient is a person who has a sickness. Lesions are the distinctive alterations in tissue and cells brought on by illness in a human or an experimental animal.                                                                           

The study of diseases and disorders affecting and discovered in blood cells, their synthesis, and any organs and tissues involved in haematopoiesis , such as bone marrow, the spleen, and used in the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses including leukaemia and lymphoma; methods and technology used in these processes include flow  cytometry  research and immunohistochemistry.   

The area of medicine called anatomical pathology, often known as anatomical anatomy, deals with the examination of body organs and tissues (groups of cells). Along with radiography and other subspecialties of pathology, anatomical pathology is regarded as one of the diagnostic areas of medicine (e.g. microbiology and chemical pathology). Its responsibilities include figuring out the root causes of specific illnesses and the effects they are having on the body, assisting with the selection of the appropriate course of therapy, helping to provide a diagnosis, and figuring out what might have contributed to a person's demise.        

Clinical pathology uses microscopic examination of individual cells, laboratory testing of blood and other physiological fluids and tissues, and disease diagnosis to support the diagnosis. Laboratory findings are delivered swiftly, effectively, and thoughtfully by our board-certified veterinary clinical pathologists, technologists, technicians, and support staff. Our work aids in the diagnosis and care of a wide variety of animal species for researchers, clinicians, referring veterinarians, and students.                                                               

The use of biochemical and molecular biological techniques in the diagnosis (and occasionally the therapy) of disease is known as chemical pathology or clinical biochemistry.                                           

 The study of nervous system pathogens, or neuropathology, typically involves either surgical tumour or, in rare occurrences, whole brains from autopsies. Anatomic pathophysiology, neurosciences, and neurology fall under the umbrella of neuropathology. Neuropathology is regarded as anatomical pathology's subdivision in many English-speaking countries.

Anatomic pathology's branch of pulmonary pathology deals with the diagnosis and characterization of malignant or benign conditions affecting the lungs and thorax pleura. Bronchoscopic transthoracic biopsy, Computed tomography percutaneous biopsy, and video-assisted thoracic surgery are frequently used to obtain diagnostic specimens. These examinations may be required to differentiate between infections, inflammatory disorders, and hyperplastic conditions.   

Anatomic pathology has a subfield called renal pathology that focuses with the diagnosis and analysis of kidney disease. Renal pathologists engage closely with nephrologists and transplant surgeons in a medical environment; these specialists frequently obtain diagnostic samples via interventional renal biopsy. To arrive at a definitive diagnosis, the renal pathologist must combine information from conventional microscope histology, electron microscopy, and antibody. Medical renal disorders can damage one or more of the following compartments: capillaries, tubules and interstitial fluid, or renal pelvis             

 To facilitate in the treatment of a disease and the formulation of a therapeutic approach, surgical pathology is the study of tissues taken from living patients during surgery. In a number of organ systems and medical specialisations, the surgical pathologist frequently offers consultation services. Surgical pathologists offer second opinions or diagnostic information.                 

One of the nine dental specializations authorized by the American Dental Association is maxillofacial pathology, which is occasionally seen as a specialization in both dentistry and pathology.                      

 Dermatopathology is a subspecialty of dermatology and pathology that includes the investigation of skin diseases at an infinitesimal level. Dermatopathology additionally involves examining the potential reasons for skin diseases. Histopathology conferences at a fundamental level. Skin biopsy is performed to obtain a definitive conclusion and inspected with a magnifying glass or subjected to other atomic tests.

 Digital pathology is a subfield of pathology that focuses on data management based on information generated from digitized specimen slides. Through the use of computer-based technology, digital pathology practices virtual microscopy. Slides of glass are converted into digital slides that can be viewed, managed, shared and analysed on a computer monitor. With the practice of Whole-Slide Imaging (WSI), which is another name for virtual microscopy, the field of digital pathology is growing and has applications in diagnostic medicine, with the objective of obtaining diagnoses, prognoses and disease prediction due to to success in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.           

The study and diagnosis of disease through molecular analysis of organs, tissues, or biological fluids is the focus of molecular pathology. Anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, molecular biology, biochemistry, proteomic, and genetics generally share some aspects of the process with molecular pathogenesis, which would be a multidisciplinary by nature.                  

 The treatment of human corpses as forensic evidence is distinct from other types of evidence. To determine the cause and method of any violent, unusual, or premature death, the remains are subjected to an autopsy. A post-mortem examination will be performed by a forensic pathologist, who will also take death scene evidence into account.                                                                                                                                                                            

 The study of cells under a microscope that have been dye-stained to make them more visible or easier to view is known as histopathology. Frequently, antibodies are applied to mark multiple cellular components with different dye or fluorescence tints. Following the extensive use of the microscope in pathology, numerous innovative techniques for preserving and staining tissue were established.        

                       The study of immune system abnormalities is known as immunology or immunopathology. Allergies, inheritable diseases, immunological reactions to foreign substances, and organ transplant rejection are all covered. 

        A theory testing or creating field of research in experimental pathology is disease-oriented theory. The Branch of Research Pathology's mission is to perform laboratory testing that offer insights into cutting-edge clinical treatments for patients with unmet needs. Tumour biology, cancer metastasis and tumorigenesis, UV oncogenesis, cancer immunology, wound healing, stem cell biology, HIV, HCV, and herpes virus infection, and bacterial pathogenesis are the main research fields. These all might have clinical significance.             

           The field of pathology that is concerned with the origin of particular pathogenic disorders. It mimics descriptive epidemiology and may be comparable to it, or it may be a more anecdotal element of pathologists' job.